
Top 10 Plastic Surgery Procedures for Male and Female Genitalia

Most plastic or cosmetic surgery is apparent to the naked eye: Her breasts look bigger (or smaller or higher). His nose looks straighter. But some plastic surgery results are visible only to the recipient (and perhaps their significant other).

Requests for plastic surgery on genitalia are on the rise, motivated by desires for an improved self-image or increased sexual satisfaction. And while most plastic surgery procedures are performed on women (about 80 percent, in fact), it turns out that more men than women request work on their private parts.

This list reveals some of the procedures that are currently on the menu. Would you consider going under the knife down there?

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10 Monsplasty

The mons pubis, or mons, is the triangular fatty pad covering the pubic bone, running from the top of the pubic hair down to the genitals. Both men and women have it, but it’s more obvious in women. The surgery is more popular with women, but men can also receive the benefits.

Fat accumulation and loose skin—from weight gain/loss, aging, C-section, hormones, even genetics—can lead to an enlarged mons. Monsplasty removes excess skin and fatty tissue to give the mons a firmer, flatter appearance.

While many cosmetic procedures involve liposuction to remove fat, monsplasty is surgery that uses a scalpel to remove the offending skin and fat. The procedure often accompanies a tummy tuck because a bulging mons pubis is often more noticeable after removing fatty tissue and tightening the skin on your abdomen.

While the procedure delivers aesthetic improvements, it has other benefits as well, making intercourse, urination, and even hygiene easier.[1]

9 Labiaplasty

A labiaplasty is a vaginal rejuvenation (or “designer vagina”) procedure. Vaginal rejuvenation often involves lasers, ultrasound, or other energy devices to tighten the vaginal area. But a labiaplasty is surgery that reduces the size/shape of a woman’s genitalia.

The labia can become enlarged due to childbirth, aging, sexual activity, or genetics. The condition, when revealed by form-fitting clothing, is sometimes referred to as “camel toe” or “crotch cleavage.” An enlarged labia can cause difficulties with exercise, sex, and hygiene and may lead to urinary tract infections. It can also interfere with wearing clothes like yoga pants and swimsuits.

There are different ways to reduce the size of the labia (e.g., trim procedure, wedge procedure). The overall goal is to remove the excess part of the labia minora (the inner tissues of the female genitalia), so it lines up with the labia majora (outer part).[2]

8 Clitoral Hood Reduction

The skin fold that covers and protects the clitoris is called the clitoral hood. The clitoris contains thousands of sensory nerve endings and is extremely sensitive. The clitoral hood protects the clitoris from friction and clothing that could irritate it. It also makes a lubricant (sebum) that helps the hood glide over the sensitive clitoris. When a woman is sexually aroused, the clitoris becomes engorged. This swelling pulls back the clitoral hood (much like the foreskin of a penis) and aids in a woman’s ability to achieve orgasm.

Some women may want to reduce their clitoral hood to eliminate discomfort. Women who’ve had the above-described labiaplasty may find their clitoral hood looks top-heavy. Other women may simply want to increase sexual clitoral sensation by exposing more of their clitoris. Each of these things can be addressed with a vaginal rejuvenation procedure called a clitoral hood reduction.

The clitoral hood reduction (aka clitoral hoodectomy, clitoral hoodoplasty, clitorial unhooding) reduces the excess tissue in the folds of the clitoris. The outpatient procedure involves trimming the skin and suturing with disposable stitches. The surgery should result in better-looking and more comfortable genitals.[3]

7 Hymenoplasty

The hymen is the thin membrane that partially covers the vagina. In many cultures, an intact hymen is thought to be a sign of virginity, but penetrative sex isn’t the only cause of a torn hymen. The membrane can be torn by exercise, horseback or bicycle riding, tampon insertion, masturbation, or a pap smear.

Women who want to restore their hymen can opt for a hymenoplasty, also known as hymenorrhaphy or temporary hymen reconstruction. The desire to do so isn’t always cosmetic. It might stem from the cultural or religious belief that a woman must prove her virginity on her wedding night. For women who have been sexually abused or traumatized, the procedure may provide psychological and emotional relief.

With this surgery, a thin layer of tissue is taken from the vaginal wall and placed in the location of the torn hymen. The restored hymen will tighten the vaginal opening and—like the original hymen—may or may not bleed upon penetration.

This procedure, which is illegal in some European countries, provides no greater medical or physical benefit.[4]

6 Labia Majora Augmentation with Fat Grafting

A woman who wants to plump up her labia might opt for dermal fillers like those used to make lips larger. But there’s also a longer-lasting surgical alternative: labia majora augmentation with autologous fat transfer.

This outpatient surgery liposuctions fat from the patient’s abdomen, hips, or flanks and transfers it to the labia majora. The intent is to improve the fullness and firmness of the labia majora and eliminate sagging skin for a more youthful-looking appearance.[6]

5 G-Spot Amplification

G-Spot amplification is another surgical procedure that aims to improve a woman’s self-esteem, sensation, and libido. It also involves using autologous fat transfer. This method seeks to magnify the G-Spot up to four times and is also known as G-Shot or G-Spot augmentation.

A German doctor named Dr. Gräfenberg was the first to describe the concept of the G-Spot, an area on the front inner wall of the vagina. The procedure includes an injection of hyaluronic acid or collagen filler to this erogenous area. It is believed that this procedure increases the sensitivity, the duration of female orgasms, and their frequency.[6]

Don’t worry, guys. We haven’t forgotten about you. The rest of this list is dedicated solely to you…

4 Penis Lengthening Surgery

A man’s perception of his genitals is directly related to his self-esteem and sexual identity. That may be why men are all-in on this cosmetic trend.

There is rarely a medical need for penis enlargement surgery. The Urology Care Foundation says it’s only necessary in cases of micropenis—an abnormally small penis caused by hormonal or genetic issues. The average penis size for an adult is 13.24 centimeters (5.21 inches) when stretched. A stretched penile length of less than 9.3 centimeters (3.66 inches) is considered a micropenis. However, the majority of men seeking this type of surgery have a penis of “normal” size.

Penis elongation surgery is a bit of a misnomer. In this procedure, the suspensory ligament that attaches the penis to the pelvic bone is cut. The enables the flaccid penis to hang lower and look slightly larger even though its size has not been altered. Sometimes a skin graft is necessary to complete the surgery. Complications are a concern. Wound separation, scarring, pubic depression, or hairlessness may occur. The penis may develop an unnatural hump at the base, while a change in the angle of erection may also result.

The penile length gained may increase by a centimeter (less than ½ an inch) or so, but it’s possible that no lengthening results. Using weights or stretching devices postoperatively—and for a period of months to years—may allow additional length gain. Removing the fat from the area around the penis can also make it look bigger than it is.[7]

3 Penile Girth Augmentation

Increasing penile girth is another sought-after cosmetic procedure. Achieving good results (i.e., symmetrically increased girth) is difficult. Girth surgery can lead to severe complications and deformities.

The patient’s own fat is injected into the penis. If the injections are irregular or too much fat is injected, unsightly nodules may occur. Asymmetry and loss of penile rigidity due to excess fat are other complications.

Alternatively, skin grafts can be used to increase girth by up to 4 centimeters (1.5 inches). The grafts are secured around the circumference of the penis with sutures. Severe complications (scar formation, penile shortening, penile curvature) may result if the grafts do not survive completely.

Some practitioners inject synthetic materials, such as liquid silicone or hyaluronic acid, to enhance girth. Injections may provide a good short-term appearance, but long-term results are unlikely.[8]

2 Testicular Implants

There are many medical conditions that can contribute to the size and symmetry of testicles: infections, tumors, medication, or genetics. Some men are simply born with one testicle, uneven testicles, or testicles that fail to descend. And some men are sensitive about these “abnormalities.”

A testicular prosthesis is an artificial testicle implanted in the scrotum to provide the appearance of the real thing. Like saline-filled breast implants, testicular implants can be made to the size and consistency desired by the patient.

This minor outpatient surgery can be completed in about 30 minutes. Pain meds and antibiotics are typically prescribed, and the surgical stitches eventually dissolve on their own. Gentle manipulation of the area will help the implant settle in a natural position. Regular exercise and activity can resume around two weeks after the procedure.[9]

1 Scrotoplasty

A man’s scrotum can become stretched and loose due to genetics, aging, trauma, or injury. Many men, both young and old, struggle with scrotums that are sagging, large, or low-hanging. In extreme cases, a stretched scrotum can cause painful chafing, interfere with sexual intercourse, or even reach the water when the toilet is being used. Men with stretched scrotums complain of discomfort, hygiene concerns, sexual problems, and overall embarrassment and low self-esteem. Nonsurgical treatment involves wearing supportive underwear or a jockstrap, which may slow but not stop the sagging.
Scrotoplasty (aka scrotum reduction, scrotal lift) removes excess skin from the scrotum to improve appearance and comfort. The result is a tighter, smaller, rejuvenated scrotum. It’s a fairly simple procedure that can boost a man’s self-confidence and pleasure during sex.

The outpatient surgery does not interfere with the testicles or fertility. The majority of men undergoing this procedure are over age 40. Consider rest, scrotal elevation, and ice compresses for several days after the operation to help with healing. Avoiding constipation, straining, and heavy lifting are encouraged. Most patients return to regular activities and sexual intercourse within three weeks.[10]

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